Sendaren Peak, Cool Spot To See Natural Beauty of Purbalingga From The Heights

Purbalingga, a regency in Central Java which are known for having a cool nature, one of which is Mount Slamet which is the highest mountain in Central Java, due to its characteristics at the foot of Mount Slamet make purbalingga has a lot of tourism potential alam.Salah a popular natural attractions in Purbalingga Peak Sendaren is, of course you're no stranger to travel Kalibiru in Yogyakarta or Magelang Punthuk Mongkrong in the natural scenery in their respective areas of elevation. Similar to these sights, Peak Sendaren also offers landscapes of Purbalingga, the attraction is located at an altitude of 682 masl skitar make the site into a spot cross-eyed to see the natural beauty Purbalingga. ( Bali Kuta Resort )

Not only popular in Purbalingga and its neighboring town alone, peak Sendaren traveler has also been popular among big cities such as Semarang, Yogyakarta and Jakarta, every day, especially when the weekend tourist spot is always full of visitors. One favorite spot on the Top Sendaren is a bamboo bridge, a bridge with a length of about 10 meters which was made at the end of the cliff with the aim that visitors can better enjoy the view with a different atmosphere. Not only the bridge alone, in the Peak area Sendaren there are also other spots that are not less favorite, that spur bird, a tree house built with a shape resembling a bird house, I wonder if Puncak Sendaren become a favorite spot among young selfie Purbalingga. ( Bali Accommodation )

To enjoy the scenery in the Peak Sendaren we first had to climb to the top, to arrive at the summit itself did not take a long time anyway, during the trip you will be Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak presented with a view of nature in the area of ​​Mount Sendaren, ranging from trees, plantation to a waterfall. Additionally Nature Peak Sendaren is also famous for the dazzling sunset and sunrisenya, try to come when his dawn to see the beautiful sunrise at the summit Sendaren this, but for you who can not come dawn was no need to worry. Sedaren in the Peak area there are also camping ground that you can use to set up a tent, so you need not bother getting up in the morning and climb to the top, just set up a tent here you can see the beauty of the city Purbalingga at night and of course sunrise in the morning. ( Bali Tour Activity )

Access to the site is quite easy anyway, from the City of Purbalingga you can go to market Bobotsari, from the intersection of market Bobotsari turn right and follow the road until you find a crossroads where one straight and the other one ride ketas (already there are signs). Then you choose the road that leads upwards to find Panusupan Village Hall, from village hall you continue straight about 500 meters you will find the fork and take the path to right until you reach the peak tourist spot Sendaren. ( Bali Travel Accommodation )


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