Telaga Warna Puncak Bogor Jawa Barat

What do you think of when I hear the name Telaga Warna? certainly the thought in your head is Telaga Warna Dieng plateau in the right, but make no mistake, it was not only in the Dieng Telaga Warna.Siapa who has thought in Bogor was also there Telaga Warna lake where the water can change color, but in this area is only one lake alone, unlike in that there are two Telaga.Kawasan Dieng Telaga Warna Puncak, Bogor is managed by Bali Travel Accommodation the Natural Resources Conservation Board, attraction this one being a favorite destination during weekends and holidays because it is suitable for day trips with family, Location Telaga Warna located at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level, making the air and the atmosphere in this area is quite cool, it turns out that interested bekunjung local tourists come here not only just, you know, foreign tourists are also interested to see the beauty of the lake color. The color change in the lake is uncertain because the water causes the color change is a reflection of the sun, so it was not because of the sulfur content in the lake like Telaga Warna Dieng. ( Bali Private Villa )

The scenery in this small lake is enough to make our eyes fresh for around a lake surrounded by shady trees, as far as the eye can see we'll see the green of the trees and grass, although Telaga Warna not too wide but quite interesting people to come kesini.Ada many exciting activities we can do here, besides relaxing at the lake we can walk around the lake by boat or water bike that has been provided, not only that, for those of you who enjoy activities at one with nature, you can try trekking here, in the area of ​​lake Colors are tracks crosscountry complete with shelters and information centers. ( Bali Accommodation )

There is also a place for outbound, where there are some exciting games that we can try, one of which is the Flying Fox, play and recreation is enjoyable activities here, plus regional Telaga Warna also inhabited by several animal species such as the langur, surli and apes ash -ash. According to the story first such place is a kingdom named Kutatanggeuhan and led by a lady king named Prabu Suarnalaya with his wife named Purbamanah, the King wanted a child, but the wife's not getting pregnant, then King decided to meditate and ask God to be given the gift of a child. ( Bali Best Hotel )

After a long penance, finally his pregnant wife and their beruda blessed with a daughter, after the child's age, King giving a gift of a necklace, but the child does not want to accept that her mother cried, and suddenly part of the pavilion royal removing water very heavy to submerge the entire kingdom. As a popular tourist spot, Telaga Warna supported with adequate facilities, such as the presence of stalls, public toilets, park up and souvenir shops, and for you who want to stay around the inn there are already many sites that you can choose. For the location could be considered very easy, for you who use private vehicles can get through Toll Ciawi Bogor heading towards the top, you will pass through the tea plantations just follow the road until you get to the mosque Atta'awun, after passing Masjid approximately 2 km you will see signs Telaga Warna on the left. ( Bali Cheap Accommodation )


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